Vigilant Environmental Solutions is a developer and manufacturer of cartridges and filters for industry, with a primary focus on removing hydrocarbons from water.  We firmly believe and have proven with in-house testing and actual field results, that our patented series of cartridges we call, 'The Oil Eliminator', are the only truly robust and economical cartridge solution that can consistently live up to the claim, 'Providing oil free discharge'.  

We have high goals and standards. Manufacturing a cartridge so that we can claim removal of 95% or even 99% of trace amounts of oil is below the standards we have set for our products. Rather, we set our sights on being able to remove all the oil, and find little satisfaction in seeing even just a few ppm during testing with high levels of oil or emulsions.  The statement, 'Our Mission, clean water', means just that, and is of the utmost importance to our reputation and brand.  

We are continually striving to make better products for our customers.  We are not content to design or manufacture products that work only in a narrow range of operating parameters, any more than you want to purchase such a product. We want our cartridges to outperform the competition even when our product is faced with the toughest emulsions at the highest oil levels.  All this so that you can rest assured, that in the event of a system upset, you are not left wondering, what happened, and how much is this going to cost us.

Our company founder had been involved with the maritime industry since 1982, providing representation for prominent equipment manufacturers from around the globe.  He additionally designed many systems and equipment for some of the largest ship operators.  Much of this work involved equipment on-board that separated and/or monitored oily water discharge from ships bilges or slop tanks on vessels.  

In the 80's, and even into the late 90's, the term, 'The solution to pollution is dilution' was frequently thrown around.  This was due to lack of storage space and equipment on-board that just could not perform in real world application as designed, not because the crews were interested in polluting.  Toward the end of the century, charterers and regulators started to enforce environmental compliance, which caused the crews and owners to take notice of the liability each was under should the discharge regulations not be met.  

At the time, research for our clients led to contact with a small company on the east coast that was manufacturing 'Polymeric Surfactant Infused' cartridges, and our associate company, Vigilant Marine Systems, began to market them under its own brand name 'Oil-Xorb', supplying more than 200 systems on-board vessels worldwide in a very short time period. The cartridges had successes, but they could not remove emulsions from the water with any degree of effectiveness, and performed poorly on diesel range oils, which are used on-board these vessels.

As the IMO rules changed, monitoring equipment and systems had to be able to measure and remove oil emulsions.  This was a huge problem for the industry, so Vigilant Environmental Solutions was born to develop a line of cartridges capable of breaking the IMO 107/49 emulsion.  The Oil Eliminator NF was developed, followed by The Oil Eliminator in 2009, The Oil Eliminator ECO in 2011, and The Oil Eliminator WSO in 2012. Patent approvals were awarded in 2014, and again in 2016.

About Us

Do you have a process that

requires the highest level of oil


Is your current solution

performing marginally, or is it

just becoming too large of an


Do you have a problem that

competing technologies just

haven't been able to solve?

If so, please contact us!

A Brief History
Original Equipment for Leading Manufacturers 

Currently there are several Oil Water Separator manufacturers using The Oil Eliminator in their certified and Type Approved systems to meet the IMO 107/49 regulation.  In addition, The Oil Eliminator is being used by a large multi-national that manufactures a crude unit analyzer that requires protection for the pH analyzer probe.
Keeping the worlds waters clean
by providing oil free discharge